
May 23, 2008

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May 22, 2008

Lets Start Acting Like A Network!

The Adoptive Parent's Network has the name and it's time we jump in and start acting like the future of the Internet.

It's all about Networking and connecting which has always been one of the goals for this site! We have things all set up in the background and one step at a time everyone is about to step into the Next Phase of the Internet and start connecting in new ways.

This Blog is Anna's Network Blog... Check here often for New ways to Network, and tips on how to get started. is about to take it to the next level! If you are planning to be a part of the future and have fun with Social Networking the first time is to Pick Your Internet Identity (If you haven't already) and start your own Blog!

Gone are the days of needing a little blog here and a little blog there on different websites with different log-in's... It's time to get serious, collect all your great Blog Posts and put them in One Spot--Your Spot...

I suggest that everyone who wants to move into the future of Social Networking get their Blog spot up and going--or go back and check things out!

It doesn't need to be fancy right now and most people who can use a forum will be able to get the hang of a REAL Blog...

So... Get Ready....Get Set.... Now go and make a blog!

I will see everyone in my next post and can't wait for the Adoptive Parents Network to start living up to it's name!