
February 20, 2009


So, does anyone else ever wonder if hard work pays off? Do you ever sit and wonder if the mission or idea you have is just a waste of time? Have you ever just frozen up and considered how websites and blogs are really all about making something out of nothing?

It is no secret that I was on a mission when I decided to create a place for Adoptive parents, foster parents and the parents of special needs children. It was no secret that I wanted to contribute and create not only a place for myself but, for others... to pay it forward and to perhaps just one time make a difference that might help a Child.

It's no secret that when I did--there were other's who wanted to jump in and do what they could do. And, that I went out on a limb and shared my mission with someone else 50-50. No secret that I learned it's best to not do business with a friend or family member. I guess, I just believed I was immune to the truth of the adage.

How many times in my life will I consider the ODDS and think I am somehow above the advice of those who tried the same and felt the burn?

The past few weeks I have been wondering if my mission even means anything to anyone besides myself? Is it worth the bother to invest my time and creativity into something that may only now be a black hole...

Could I see my mission be More if I just let go of the vision I shared with someone else and felt so on fire about, only to lose the person because of differences in opinions?

Was it a sign when my entire website was destroyed because I lost a friend and then all the files in the HTML of my website--with no real ability to recover? Is there something I could do that might show my time even matters?

I have been distracted for the past few weeks. I have been in thought about the way I spend my own time and where it might matter the most. I could go back all gung-hoe and really get things up and running Again--Alone. Or, I could move on and find a new idea to keep my mission?

Guess, I will be distracted a few more days? I wonder if anyone will bother to send me an email and let me know my time is worth their trouble?


Anonymous said...

Hi Anna,
Your website meant something to me. I am and always will be more of a "lurker" than a joiner but the posts helped me feel less alone. And honestly that is the biggest obstacle a parent faces when dealing with a child who has issues that no one understands . . . isolation.
Losing your website was it a sign to quit or start again with a new vision - you have the answer to that, in your heart.

De Anna Glendenning said...

...gee, Tracey thanks a peep from my little "feel sorry" and someone heard so thanks you made my day...

trumandog said...

For the record, your old website made a HUGE impact on our adoption. I still have what would file a large 3-ring binder of print-outs of topics that I took home and shared with my wife. I truly miss being able to search your shared knowledge and on occasion ask a quests or 2, trusting the answers come from an experienced source. After following your story for years, I don't know how you do it but pray that you will find the strength and courage to start again. You have been a blessing to countless children's lives that you will never know. I will help in any way I can.

- Ryan H

De Anna Glendenning said...

Thank you Ryan and to the other's who emailed me.

I have a few ideas in mind and a little more inspiration building up. I also have some great resources and it has been helpful to hear from everyone.

My priorities are pretty simple... God,Husband, children, family, community, and then writing and websites.

Life is interesting and always changing so, I know something will come of the efforts I make with the input from people who understand and want to contribute.

Everyone APN is about all of us so I hope to get things back to being what we had planned and what we plan for the future.