
June 06, 2008

I'm HappyMomAnna Who are You?

This Blog is really only about what I have learned, and what I know how to use or do... It's about the way I am plugging into Social Networking and is by no means a complete outline of all the things that can be done on the Internet with social networking.

To be honest, there might even be information in this blog may not always be the most accurate since what I know how to do I have learned on my own, by myself and it's all from my own understanding--so I might not always know much about anything, or I might think it works a certain way only to find out later I was wrong... Or that what I thought would be a great idea ends up being a waste of time. The fact is that this is sort of like the Wild West so we are all just learning what the future is.

From what I am learning and see happening on the Internet with Social Networking is that the first and most important step someone needs to take before they jump in is to decide WHO you want to be on the social network.

It is important to find and use the Same User name and the same First and Last name with any website, or service you decide to plug yourself into. Social Networking starts with becoming an "Identity."

For me it was simple since I have always had consistency with my User Name HappyMomAnna and I have always used my Internet Pen Name Anna Glendenning as my first and last name for forums, groups, and other community websites that asked me to choose a user name and create a profile. These names are my Internet Identity this is Who I am when I am surfing the net!

I was lucky or lazy when I started all this website playing and then website building because I just picked a name and tried to stick with it. I really didn't want to have to remember different log in names, or information so I picked a name and use it everyplace.

If you do not have the User Name you want to be known as on the social network the first thing you need to do is Find Yourself and once you believe you have the Best Identity that you can think of, sign up for a Gmail Account with that user name!

So, to recap: Pick who you want to be and go to Google and get a Gmail Account. Once you have done that you will be ready for the future blogs here! In Fact, if you have or create your Gmail account and want to follow along with this Blog be sure to Subscribe By Email and use your Gmail address... This way you will also start building your network based email account and have this blog delivered right to your email address!

In Fact, you can sign up to get this blog delivered to your email account below! And if you don't have a Gmail account you can use any email to get this Blog delivered right to any email you would like!

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You might also want to consider changing your email address in your Adoptive Parents Network membership profile this way you will keep all of Your APN information going to the same place and keep your personal email account free from too many updates and networking email and for those things that are about your family or business.

Be sure to read my next Blog here as I walk you down the path of the best ways to plug into the Adoptive Parents Network and the future of the Internet and Social Networking!

Now Go take care of finding yourself and getting your email issues taken care of. It won't take that much time or effort and these steps will be done and you won't need to do them again or later!

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