
July 20, 2008

Blogging 101: Getting Started!

I have discovered that starting something new is usually the most difficult thing to do. It's easy to be intimidated and believe it will be too hard or require skills I haven't learned yet.

Several years ago my computer skills included the ability to "Turn On" my PC, and get onto the Internet to check my email. As a middle-age blond female when I went to college even the schools didn't have computer systems and the only people who knew anything about a computer were the pimple-faced geek boys whom would be diagnosed with Asperger's syndrome today.

Several years ago if anyone has suggested I would one day have my own Blog I would have laughed! But, one step at a time and one new skill at a time LOOK At ME NOW!

Starting it the first step and it begins with deciding that you have something to say and want to have a place to say it! The next step are easy and it's just like learning to run... It starts with learning to walk.

To start creating your own blog you will need to go to the Blogger homepage and click the "Create Your Blog Now" button.

The next step will ask you to create a Google Account. If you have already created a Google Account you may use that account with any other Google services. If you already have any Google Services you can just sign into your Google service or account. Once you have created a Google Account or signed into Google service it's as simple as entering a display or username and accepting the Blogger's Terms of Service.

As soon as you accept the Terms of Service you are ready to Create a Blog and start your adventure into the world of Blogging! Follow the steps and remember there is always help including the official Blogger Help Group.

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