Sociology 302 Middle Range Theory Essay 1/2
Bourdieu’s middle range theory of linguistic markets specifically in relationships of power, work well with the middle range theory of Chatfetz gender inequality. An example of the way I have experienced this interaction happened twenty years ago for me. I was hired as a “sports writer” for a local newspaper. Entry level, decent pay, with an editor, section editor, and two other staff writers. I was the only woman. Very quickly I realized my dream job was in reality a situation whereby I was being exploited.
A week after I started I learned one of the other staff writers would be taking a three month leave from his position. I spent much of my time entering the names and stats of local high school sports events, and was never invited to attend the beer drinking, talk about the local teams, lunches with my three immediate co-workers. I was assigned the stories about things such as twin brothers who both had good records in track and the girl who broke her arm and made a tennis team comeback.
Bourdieu theory of linguistic markets are about exchanges of capital and resources that effect our ability to participate. By excluding me from the sports talking, beer drinking, lunch my co-workers reproduced a level of hierarchy and defined the rules of the field for me. Their actions were a form of symbolic violence. Oppression that was not seen, excused by the fact that they did not want to be viewed as sexually harassing me since I was a woman, they leaned on the fact not inviting me to participate would no expose them to such a claim from me. I could have remained silent in response to their form of symbolic violence but, I am a survivor of child abuse and domestic violence and when I recognize I am being exploited, or in a violent situation I walk.
Chafetz macro theory focuses on the division of labor as organized by gender. Writing for a newspaper at that time was highly based on advertising revenue. Chafetz theory is that capitalism demands labor exploitation and patriarchy exists to serve the of capitalism. Patriarchy ideology legitimates and controls behaviors that support gender stratification. Chafetz”s MESO theory is that women are offered a different ladder and their labor is concentrated at the low end of the labor force. I entered data while the men had long lunches talking about the ins-and-outs of the topic I was hired to write about. It was clear I had limited upward mobility, a low possibility of advancement, and no opportunity to move up. In fact, it became clear that I was probably hired for the short period of time one of my coworkers would be on leave. I had a choice to remain silent and wait to see what happened when the coworker returned or cut my losses and refuse to play along with the game. I did not remain silent and I left the position before my coworker actually left on his leave.
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