
September 24, 2008

Fun with Favicons

I noticed them a long time ago and have enjoyed them very much! I especially like the way they show up on my "Favorites lists" or in other spots while I surf the Internet.

Have you noticed them?

Look up in your Browser Bar at the top of the page and you might notice the Blogger Favicon just before the URL address. The distinctive Orange square with the white "B".

That's a Favicon and with just a few short steps I was able to make one for the Adoptive Parents Network website and blogs! Which is nice because using the Favicon is just another way I can connect the website with the blogs and give the connected features a branded icon.

I have noticed they show up in several other places such as the FEEDJit Traffic Feed

They also show up on my computer's "Favorites" menu which makes if nice for me, since they all match and my eye doesn't need to search the list for the APN blogs and website.

All you need is a picture or graphic and it only takes a few steps!. The biggest problem I had was the fact that it is such a small image. I am happy with my first try and looking forward to working on the graphics for this blog soon.

I found this website: Favicon maker- Create a favicon from any image was easiest for me to use since I didn't have to do much more then upload my picture and follow a few steps.

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